Dr. Hakan GÜNEY, Estetik Ameliyatlar, Burun, Göz Kapağı, Yüz, Kaş, Kulak, Dudak, Meme Büyütme, Meme Küçültme, Meme Dikleştirme, Erkeklerde Meme Büyüklüğü, Lenf Drenaj, Profesyonel Makyaj, İplikle Askılama, Saç Ekimi,

Liposuction, Karın Germe, Yağ Enjeksiyonu, Yara İzleri, Uyluk Germe, Kol Germe, Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi, Yarık Dudak, Yarık Damak, Yanıklar, Yüz Kemiklerinde Şekil Bozuklukları,

Doğumsal Şekil Bozuklukları, , Ameliyatsız Güzellik, Botox, Dolgu, PRP, Lazer Epilasyon, İğneli Epilasyon, Lpg, Power Plate, Kavitasyon, Radyofrekans,


Reconstructive Surgery

Product Categories

Cleft Lip

Congenital cleft lip is caused by the lack of fusion in the developing tissues due to various factors (genetics, environmental effects, radiation, drugs used, etc.) between the 4th and 7th weeks when the lips are formed.
The baby can be operated on when it weighs more than 5 kilos and the blood condition is sufficient.

It is generally preferred to be operated after 3 months o..

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call us: +90 258 213 08 28

Cleft Palate

Cleft palate can be seen together with cleft lip. Its general condition is the same as with cleft lip. There are several types of cleft palate. The simplest is the light form with the slit of the uvula. A little more advanced is that the part we call the soft palate is cleft. Cleft palate, which includes the hard palate, that is, the bone part, is a more serious condition. If the cleft palate incl..

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call us: +90 258 213 08 28


Contractures (skin contractions) caused by burns or other causes can only be corrected with surgery. After the tissue causing the contracture is completely removed, it is closed with skin transplantation or tissue shifting methods called flaps such as Z-Plasty and W-Plasty. Tissue expansion methods are used when necessary. Physical therapy may be required after surgery.

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call us: +90 258 213 08 28

Deformities in Facial Bones

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call us: +90 258 213 08 28

Congenital Shape Disorders

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call us: +90 258 213 08 28
Last Update : 04/04/2024