Dr. Hakan GÜNEY, Estetik Ameliyatlar, Burun, Göz Kapağı, Yüz, Kaş, Kulak, Dudak, Meme Büyütme, Meme Küçültme, Meme Dikleştirme, Erkeklerde Meme Büyüklüğü, Lenf Drenaj, Profesyonel Makyaj, İplikle Askılama, Saç Ekimi,

Liposuction, Karın Germe, Yağ Enjeksiyonu, Yara İzleri, Uyluk Germe, Kol Germe, Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi, Yarık Dudak, Yarık Damak, Yanıklar, Yüz Kemiklerinde Şekil Bozuklukları,

Doğumsal Şekil Bozuklukları, , Ameliyatsız Güzellik, Botox, Dolgu, PRP, Lazer Epilasyon, İğneli Epilasyon, Lpg, Power Plate, Kavitasyon, Radyofrekans,


Power Plate

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Power Plate

Power Plate increases the force of gravity on the body approximately 6 times by applying a strong vibration to the whole body. In this way, the muscles work deeply, quickly and regularly.

The device, which causes successive contractions and relaxations in the muscles, also causes the tendons to stretch thanks to contractions and relaxations. This contraction allows the intra-abdominal muscles, which are described as “deep muscles”, the muscles surrounding the spinal cord, and even the facial muscles to be stretched and stimulated effectively. Over time, the tissues are tightened, cellulite is reduced, and the body is shaped.

In addition, the vibration effect also reduces postmenopausal bone resorption; It is known that it causes an increase in bone density.

Sessions are held for 10 minutes 3 times a week. When applied together with LPG, we get very positive results in cellulite treatment and regional thinning.

Last Update : 04/04/2024