Dr. Hakan GÜNEY, Estetik Ameliyatlar, Burun, Göz Kapağı, Yüz, Kaş, Kulak, Dudak, Meme Büyütme, Meme Küçültme, Meme Dikleştirme, Erkeklerde Meme Büyüklüğü, Lenf Drenaj, Profesyonel Makyaj, İplikle Askılama, Saç Ekimi,

Liposuction, Karın Germe, Yağ Enjeksiyonu, Yara İzleri, Uyluk Germe, Kol Germe, Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi, Yarık Dudak, Yarık Damak, Yanıklar, Yüz Kemiklerinde Şekil Bozuklukları,

Doğumsal Şekil Bozuklukları, , Ameliyatsız Güzellik, Botox, Dolgu, PRP, Lazer Epilasyon, İğneli Epilasyon, Lpg, Power Plate, Kavitasyon, Radyofrekans,

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LPG is a massage method based on the principle of applying negative pressure to the skin and subcutaneous tissues by using aspiration (suction) and rotational actions together.

It is the only FDA-certified endermology device in the world, whose effectiveness in cellulite treatment has been proven by scientific research. The computer system in the device allows the selection of many programs and protocols according to the patient's characteristics.
It increases blood circulation and lymphatic circulation in the areas where LPG is applied, provides tissue drainage by helping to eliminate metabolic wastes, and gives flexibility to the skin by releasing existing fibrous bands. With LPG application, all subcutaneous tissues from the skin to the muscle are reshaped.

Although it is mainly used in the treatment of cellulite, there are also different usage possibilities. These are body contour corrections and local thinning, increasing the tone and elasticity of the saggy skin, accelerating the healing process after liposuction and eliminating irregularities, softening the scars and removing irregularities after other aesthetic surgeries.

It is also effective in sports injuries, physical therapy applications (fibrositis, tendinitis, lumbalgia, cervicalgia...), in the treatment of post-traumatic and post-burn scars, in the treatment of edema after surgery and trauma, and in the treatment of lymphodema.

When used together with Power Plate, which causes tissue tightening with muscle stimulation, we get very positive results in cellulite treatment and regional thinning.

Last Update : 04/04/2024