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Ear aesthetics: Aesthetic surgeries for the ear are usually performed to correct the prominent ear condition and reduce the ear size.
In order to correct the prominent ear, the cartilage tissue of the auricle is opened with an incision made behind the ear. Cartilage is thinned with a cartilage rasp at appropriate places to ensure the posterior curve of the auricle. Then special stitches are placed to make the fold permanent. By increasing the curve of the ear canal, it is brought closer to the head. The angle of the auricle with the head is normally 30-35 degrees. This angle is tried to be created. Since the operation is performed behind the ear, no traces of surgery are visible from the outside. The operation takes about an hour on average and the patient can return home the same day.
The surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia, but if the patient's age is very young, general anesthesia can also be applied.

After the surgery, a pressure bandage is wrapped on both ears. There may be some pain on the first day after the surgery. However, it is relieved with painkillers. There may be a slight swelling and redness in the ear for 3-5 days. Dressing is done the day after the surgery. It is recommended to wear a tennis player's headband or a women's hair band over the ears for a few days after the bandage is opened. The tape should neither be too loose nor too tight.

Surgery can be performed from the age of 5-6 when the ear completes its development. Doing it early will have positive effects on the patient's psychology. However, it can also be done at an older age.

Last Update : 04/04/2024