Breast lift (Mastopexy) Breast sagging, which can occur due to aging, multiple pregnancies, menopause, excessive weight loss and hereditary causes, is one of the most disturbing problems for women. In this case, the upper part of the breast flattens and becomes indistinct, and the lower part sags. Breast skin often loses its elasticity and weakens.
If the nipple is at or close to the under-breast line, there is 1st degree (slight) sagging. In this case, a half-moon shaped part of the skin above the breast ring is removed and the breast ring is taken a little higher. If the nipple is 1-3 cm below the inframammary line, there is a 2nd degree (moderate) sagging. A larger piece of skin is removed from around the nipple ring and the ring is contracted and sutured to the smaller diameter nipple ring. In this case, only a scar will remain around the nipple ring, but the ring will appear shrunken for a few months in the form of a bag mouth. This appearance will decrease in 1-2 years. If this situation is not preferred; vertical short scar method can be applied. In this method, the upper skin opening is slid under the breast ring, leaving a vertical scar extending downwards. If the nipple is less than 3 cm below the inframammary line, there is a 3rd degree sagging. In this case, vertical (keyhole) mastopexy with an inverted-T-shaped scar is applied. As a result of this application, a horizontal scar will remain under the breast. Only in this way will the breast be able to take a full cone and round shape.
Complications that may occur after surgery include infection, bleeding and hematoma. However, these are very rare cases.
Since the surgical technique does not require cutting the milk ducts, there will be no problem in breastfeeding if the patient gives birth in the future. Specific complications that may occur very rarely due to circulatory problems are necrosis of adipose tissue or nipple tissue. Stitches are removed in 12-15 days. After the operation, the patient may complain of pain for the first one or two days. But it is relieved with painkillers. After dressing for a few days after surgery, the patient is put on a bra. It is recommended that the bra to be used should be non-wired, soft combed and covering the entire chest.